I am currently teaching English I, Honors English I, and Plays of Shakespeare/Classical Mythology at Ohio County High School in Hartford, Kentucky. I have been teaching as part of the Freshman Academy since its creation 8 years ago. In the past, I taught 7th grade for 1 year (1 was enough - God bless you middle school teachers) and also 10th grade and 12th grade English. I agreed to try 9th grade when the Academy was formed and I have not regretted it. I enjoy seeing the kids grow and develop this first year in high school. I do have the one elective class that helps me keep in touch with the upper level students. I also serve as the English Department chair and am a teacher representative on the SBDM council.
I am married and have two kids at home, Noah and Madi. Noah is currently a Sophomore. We just received notification yesterday that he has been accepted into the Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University for next fall as part of the Class of 2015. He will finish high school there while earning up to 60 hours of college credit. Madi is in 6th grade. She will be making the move to middle school next fall. She is heavy into soccer and basketball. She plays both year-round, so we do alot of traveling around the area and the state. We have two dogs of our own; Ozzy is a 180 pound Old English Mastiff and Jasper is a 23 pound black Pug. We also foster dogs for the local animal shelter and PetFinder.
In my spare time....who am I kidding, I don't have spare time. But I try to do some woodworking when I can free up some time. I plan on doing a lot more once I am finished with this degree. I keep saying that I will be finished with school when I complete the Reading and Writing Specialist program, but I said the same thing when I was getting my first Masters. I just enjoy learning. It keeps my mind open and alert. Plus it shows my students that I value education and that learning is a life-long process.
Go ahead and feel free to choose mostly YA books in your reading log and blog choices, Kent, since I chose mostly younger children books for our common reads.